(Besoin d’aide en français? Cliquez ici)
What services are provided in French at Nova Scotia Health?
Nova Scotia Health is committed to improving access to French-language services and building on and strengthening relationships with Acadian and francophone communities. NSHA’s vision is healthy people, healthy communities – for generations, and the Nova Scotia Health will work to ensure that it continues to identify and meet the needs of the Acadian and francophone populations in Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia Health publishes an annual French-language services plan, which outlines how Nova Scotia Health will develop and deliver services in French to positively impact patient and family experiences. Documents, such as patient information pamphlets, are translated to French to help individuals and their families access services. Individuals and their families may request French-language interpretation services when French-speaking staff is not immediately available. Nova Scotia Health continues to increase its French-language capacity through language training opportunities for physicians, health services providers, and staff. Nova Scotia Health also provides its staff tools to support French-language services delivery.
As NSHA’s website continues to be developed, more content in French will be added.
How do I find services in French at Nova Scotia Health?
Nova Scotia Health physicians, health services providers, and staff who display the Bonjour! logo proactively indicate to individuals and their families that they are able to provide services in French. Look for Bonjour! Program materials, which include desktop signs, posters, and lapel pins to identify French-speaking employees (see photo below). Bonjour! signage provides a welcoming invitation to French-speaking Nova Scotians to ask for and use services in French.
Physicians, health services providers, and staff who wish to participate in the Bonjour! Program may contact the Provincial French-Language Services Consultant

Who do I contact with questions or information on French-language services at Nova Scotia Health?
Mervait Ismail, Provincial French-Language Services Consultant
Nova Scotia Health