Ultrasounds are used to view and take pictures of the organs inside your body. It uses high-frequency sound waves which cannot be heard. These sound waves bounce off of tissues using special devices and create a picture. Ultrasounds can help your health care provider diagnose and treat your illness or injury.
Ultrasounds can be used to view one or more parts of your body. They are also used on pregnant women to monitor the growth and development of their baby.
How do I prepare for my exam?
For all tests:
Safety is of utmost importance to us. If you need help standing or walking, please have someone come with you to your Diagnostic Imaging appointment.
Please do not wear scented personal products. Nova Scotia Health Authority is committed to creating a healthy and safe environment for patients, employees and visitors who are sensitive to chemicals in scented products.
Please report to registration 30 minutes prior to your appointment time. For registration location see below:
- Victoria General Site: Diagnostic Imaging registration desk, 3rd floor Dickson Building
- Halifax Infirmary Site: Diagnostic Imaging Registration desk, 3rd floor Halifax Infirmary Building
- Dartmouth General Site: Diagnostic Imaging, Main floor
- Cobequid Community Health Centre: Central Registration, Main floor
- Hants Community Hospital: Central Registration, Main floor
*Please bring your health care card.
If you have any questions, require scheduling changes, or wish to cancel your appointment, please notify the appropriate Scheduling Department:
- Cobequid Community Health Centre: 902-869-6102
- Victoria General/Halifax Infirmary Sites: 902-473-3618
- Dartmouth General: 902-465-8598
- Hants Community Hospital: 902-792-2076
Abdominal Aorta/Doppler
- Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the exam.
Abdominal Ultrasound
- Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the exam.
- Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the exam.
Arm/Leg Doppler
- There is no preparation for this exam.
Carotid Doppler
- There is no preparation for this exam.
- There is no preparation for this exam.
Extremities/Small Parts
- There is no preparation for this exam.
- Drink 24 oz of water 1 1/2 hours before exam. Do not empty your bladder until after your ultrasound.
- There is no preparation for this exam.
- There is no preparation for this exam.
Obstetric 1st Trimester
- Drink 32 oz of water, and have it finished 1 hour before exam. Do not empty your bladder until after your exam.
- Drink 32 oz. of water, and have it finished 1 hour before exam. Do not empty your bladder until after your exam.
NOTE: If you are also scheduled for an ultrasound of the abdomen on the same day as your ultrasound pelvis, please do not drink your fluids until after the abdominal ultrasound has been completed. The ultrasound staff will provide you with instructions when to drink.
Thyroid Biopsy
- There is no preparation for this exam.
How do I cancel or change my appointment?
Please call 1-844-I-REBOOK (1-844-473-2665). You will be asked to select the location of your ultrasound appointment.
You will be connected with a team member who can cancel your appointment and help arrange for a new appointment.
*The DI Re-Book line does not currently connect patients to the IWK Health Centre. If you're trying to re-book or cancel an IWK Diagnostic Imaging appointment, you must call one of the following numbers:
For IWK Ultrasound: (902) 470-8970
For IWK MRI: (902) 470-7027
For IWK X-Ray, CT, Bone Density, or Nuclear Medicine: (902) 470-7962.