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Starting Saturday, December 14, 2024, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department has changed to 1840 Bell Road. Learn more.

Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Inpatient Rehabilitation

We offer a full range of inpatient therapies to individuals who have experienced a significant brain injury due to trauma, stroke, or illness. We provide specialized rehabilitative care during your admission, which may be as short as 3 weeks or may be longer, depending on your health care team's assessment. As part of your care, we will work with you and your loved ones to plan your discharge to help you make a safe and successful transition to the next stage of your rehabilitation at home or in your community.

How do I prepare for my appointment/visit?

It depends on where you are coming from:

  • If you are being transferred from within the QEII or another hospital, the unit staff will arrange transportation to the NSRAC via patient transfer services.
  • If you are being admitted from the community, you or your loved ones will need to arrange transportation to the NSRAC.

Bring comfortable clothing (3 to 4 outfits), pajamas, sturdy non-skid shoes, and slippers.

Bring personal care items like deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, soft facial tissues, and shaving gear.

Bring any special equipment that you use at home (such as crutches, canes, walkers, eating utensils, wheelchairs, cushions, etc.) with you. Clearly label all items with your name.

What will happen at my appointment?

This pamphlet (.pdf) explains what to expect during your time at the NSRAC.

Will there be any follow up after I am discharged from the program?

Planning for your discharge starts as soon as you are admitted to the NSRAC. Your rehabilitation team will discuss specific follow up plans with you, including referrals to other services.

Accessing this Clinic, Program or Service

This service is available at the following locations:

  • You can be admitted to the program through one of 3 pathways:
    • If you are an ABI patient living in the community, you must be referred by a physician to the ABI Outpatient Clinic.
    • If you are an ABI inpatient within the QEII, your treatment team sends a referral to the consult service.   
    • If you are an ABI inpatient in any other hospital within Nova Scotia, the team completes an application and sends it to the consult service. 
  • You must also meet the following admission criteria:
    • Have sustained an Acquired Brain Injury
    • Be 16 years of age or older
    • Agree to inpatient admission
    • Be medically stable
    • Have functional challenges that require interdisciplinary tertiary rehab management
    • Have the potential to make timely, reasonable, functional gains
    • Have sufficient potential family /caregiver support in the identified discharge location to follow through with any required behavioral plan or environmental modifications.
    • Meet the criteria outlined in the Nova Scotia Rehabilitation & Arthritis Centre Admission Guidelines and Consult Review. This is available under the Documents and Forms section.


Nova Scotia Rehabilitation and Arthritis Centre (NSRAC)
1341 Summer Street, Level 7
Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3H 4K4

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