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Routine IT maintenance on Wednesday, September 18 will cause service interruptions between midnight and 6:00am affecting the YourHealthNS app and on-line appointment booking including COVID-19 testing, blood collection, X-Ray, EKG and the Need a Family Practice Registry.  We apologize for any inconvenience.


Nova Scotia Health has made changes to parking and the main entrance of the QEII Halifax Infirmary. Learn more.

Palliative Care Bereavement Program - Central Zone

Bereavment banner

The Palliative Care Bereavement Service provides grief support for the family and friends of patients who have received care from the Palliative Care Program in Central Zone. This support includes grief counseling, grief support groups, memorial services, and grief related resources.

If you are the family member or friend of somebody who has died while under the care of Palliative Care Service and are looking for support with your grieving, please reach out. All services are free of charge.

The Bereavement Service offers includes a full-time Coordinator, a small team of Palliative Care Grief Resource Support volunteers and administrative support.

The Bereavement Coordinator is available to provide grief related information to the wider community, including the public, community agencies, healthcare providers, NSH staff and volunteers. Working together with NSH team members and other community partners, the program supports and encourages grief literacy and education.

Grief Support Groups

Grief support groups provide the opportunity to come together in a supportive environment to explore the grief experience with others. These groups are open to friends and family of those who have died in the care of Palliative Care Service and are over the age of 18.

There are different types of grief support groups that meet different people’s needs. The grief groups offered through the Palliative Care Bereavement Service are closed 6-week groups, which means that participants commit to 6 weeks of meetings with the same people. There are evening virtual groups (zoom) and daytime in-person groups (Wednesday afternoons at Alderney Gate Library)

Prior to joining the group every participant will meet with one of the facilitators for an initial conversation, which is done over the phone or zoom. This provides an opportunity to let you know what to expect in the group, to explain the group format, and to answer any questions that you may have.  

For more information contact 902-473-1622 or

Our grief groups are modelled after the BC Bereavement Helpline Traumatic Loss Support Group facilitator training and Resource Guide.

Living with the Death of a Spouse 
Grief Support Group (Virtual)

You are not alone in your grief. Come together with others and explore grief in a facilitated, supported space. This group is open to spouses over the age of 18 who experienced the death of a partner who was cared for by a Palliative Care Program.

October 2 - November 13, 2024
Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.
Virtual (Zoom)

For more information or to register please email or call 902-473-1622

Palliative Care Memorial Services

Twice a year (in the spring and in the fall) the Palliative Care program hosts a memorial service which provides an opportunity to publicly honor those who have died while under our care. Family, friends and staff are welcome.

The next Palliative Care Memorial Service will be in collaboration with Nephrology Services and is scheduled to take place on November 25th, 2024, at the Halifax Central Library. 

Family, friends, and staff are welcome to attend a memorial service to publicly honor those who have died while receiving care from Palliative Care and/or Nephrology Services. This memorial will take place in the Paul O'Regan Hall of the Halifax Central Library on Tuesday, April 2nd from 6-7 pm.

You are invited to bring along a framed photograph of your person. These photos will be placed at the front of the room during the service. The photo will be returned to you.

You are welcome to bring others with you or to come alone. Children are welcome. There is no childcare provided, however the second floor of the library does have a child-friendly space that is available.

For planning purposes, it is helpful if we have an idea of how many people will be in attendance. Please let us know if others are planning to join you. We don’t need their names, just how many. We know that it can be especially difficult to plan when we are grieving. If you don’t want to register now, you can let us know when you are ready or just show up. You will be welcomed.

Paid parking is available and is located under the library. It costs $2/hour and can be paid by debit, credit or cash. There are many other public parking options available near the Central Library, including metered street parking a number of public parkades, including the nearby Park Lane.

For questions or to register please call (902) 220-4398 or email

Other Supports

Nova Scotia Health Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Program - Grief supports are offered through the MAiD Program. This includes free individual counseling and grief groups. This support can be accessed by calling 1-833-903-6243 or 902-491-5892.

Canadian Virtual Hospice

Halifax Hospice Grief & Bereavement Programs

Bereaved Families of Nova Scotia

Government of Canada information about Palliative Care Grief Support

Accessing this Clinic, Program or Service

Victoria Building
Part of QEII Health Sciences Centre
1276 South Park Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Bereavement Coordinator’s office is in the Victoria General Hospital, on the Palliative Care Floor (Floor: 7A, Office: 055).

On Wednesdays  grief counselling is available at  Alderney Gate Public Library  - 60 Alderney Dr, Dartmouth

On the fourth Friday of every month grief counseling is available at Sackville Public Library, 636 Sackville Dr, Lower Sackville

Grief and Bereavement Services can be accessed through self-referral by contacting the Bereavement Coordinator. 

Palliative Care Bereavement Coordinator: Jocelyne Tranquilla
Phone: 902-473-1622

When you call the Bereavement Coordinator you can expect to speak with a kind professional who will explain the grief services available and answer any questions that you may have.

Patient Education Resources

Ten Things to Know About Grief

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Although your grief is unique to your relationship with the person who died, there are some common themes. Our staff, volunteers, and bereaved people have identified 10 things as important in understanding your grief. This pamphlet is also available in French.


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