Nova Scotia Health social media accounts
Nova Scotia Health established its social media accounts to provide relevant, timely information and important resources, and respond to questions that supports community and the overall wellness of citizens.
Its focus is keeping the public updated on news and announcements including safety and emergency updates, information, events and features related to our programs, services and facilities as well as health care as a whole.
Please note:
- We do not offer health advice via social media. If you need help immediately, call 911. If you are looking for non-emergency health advice call 811.
- To access the provincial mental health crisis team call toll-free at 1-888-429-8167
- Be cautious in the information you share about yourself on social media and do not share personal health information about anyone else.
Monitoring and Inquiries
Our social media is moderated, and we welcome your participation and feedback.
Social media accounts are generally active Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., unless otherwise stated. Posting and responses will typically occur during those hours. Inquiries during the evening or on weekends will be responded to during regular working hours.
We encourage interaction, discussion, commentary, questions, and even criticism, but ask that you keep your comments and posts relevant and respectful.
We reserve the right to delete comments that we feel are inappropriate, and to block any user to prevent further comments of this nature. We reserve the right to remove comments that include, but are not limited, to use of:
- Profane language of any kind
- Language not respectful of other users of the site (including harassing, aggressive, or abusive language)
- Comments that encourage or suggest illegal activity
- Comments that are repetitive or spam
- Abusive or oppressive language, content, or links. This includes comments that are racist, sexist homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, or promote bigotry in any way
- Sexually explicit or violent imagery or links
- Harassing or abusive language towards individuals or groups
- Information that violates an individual’s or group’s privacy
- Posts containing personal health information will be removed in accordance with Nova Scotia’s Personal Health Information Act.
- Business solicitations or “spamming”
- Off-topic or irrelevant content
- Misinformation and unproven or inaccurate accusations.