After a Cancer Diagnosis: Engaging in Physical Activity is Important!
This pamphlet lists ideas for physical activity, the benefits, and how to exercise safely, for people who living outside the Halifax Regional Municipality.
Starting Saturday, December 14, 2024, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department has changed to 1840 Bell Road. Learn more.
Please plan for extra travel time when coming to the QEII Halifax Infirmary. As of February 18, the easternmost, northbound lane of Robie Street will be closed for the duration of the Halifax Infirmary Expansion Project, leaving two lanes open. Expect potential delays and consider alternative routes when possible.
This pamphlet lists ideas for physical activity, the benefits, and how to exercise safely, for people who living outside the Halifax Regional Municipality.
This pamphlet lists ideas for physical activity, the benefits, and how to exercise safely for people living within the Halifax Regional Municipality.
This pamphlet outlines benefits of physical activity, when in your treatment to start being more physically active, and types of activities to consider. It includes suggestions for different levels of exercise, different tools that can be used, and programs provided by the hospital.
This pamphlet explains what to expect while receiving supports and services offered by Nova Scotia Health Continuing Care and/or contracted service providers. This pamphlet is also available in French.
This pamphlet outlines the benefits of being active, goal setting, and how it can affect cancer treatment. A list of supports are available to you is also included.
L’initiative Fierté-Santé vise à améliorer l’accès des membres de la communauté 2ELGBTQIA+ à des soins de santé primaires complets en toute sécurité. Cette brochure donne un aperçu des services fournis par Fierté-Santé. This item is also available in English and Arabic.
Keeping your feet healthy can help you keep your balance and prevent falls. This pamphlet explains how to take care of your feet and what kind of footwear is best.
The pamphlet describes the importance of hand washing, proper hand washing methods with soap and water, and the use of an alcohol-based hand rub. This pamphlet is also available in French.
Harbour View Hospital’s Adult Day Program supports participants’ physical, mental, social, spiritual, and recreational needs. It also gives respite for caregivers.
L’hygiène des mains est la meilleure façon d’éviter la propagation des germes dans les établissements de soins de santé, dans la collectivité et à la maison. Le dépliant décrit l’importance de se laver les mains, la bonne façon de se laver les mains avec de l’eau et du savon et l’utilisation d’un gel désinfectant à base d’alcool. This pamphlet is also available in English.