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Starting Saturday, December 14, 2024, the entrance to the QEII Halifax Infirmary Emergency Department has changed to 1840 Bell Road. Learn more.

Bursaries and Scholarships

Learn about the current bursary and scholarship programs offered by Nova Scotia Health.

Chronic Disease Innovation Fund

Nova Scotians have some of the highest rates of chronic disease and disability in the country.  Over 5,000 Nova Scotians die of four types of chronic diseases every year: cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes.  Approximately two-thirds of all deaths in Nova Scotia are attributable to these diseases. 

The Chronic Disease Innovation Fund is a three year fund that supported community groups to develop new, or enhance existing programs that help to support initiatives that help Nova Scotians live healthier lives, and reduce the effects of chronic disease.  Over the three year period, community groups initiated practical and innovative projects with the aim to improve the health outcomes of those living with, or at risk of developing chronic disease. The fund, which concludes in 2018, focused on activities that addressed risk factors that are common across chronic conditions

The Chronic Disease Innovation Fund enabled community groups to shape health and wellness activities and initiatives within in their own community and, in doing so, supported the Nova Scotia Health (NSH) vision of healthy people and healthy communities - for generations.

Learn about successful projects supported by the fund:
2018 Chronic Disease Innovation Fund Summary (.pdf)

Cumberland Health Care Careers Bursary Program

Details about this bursary program are available here.

Diversity in Health Care Bursary

The Diversity in Health Care Bursary, funded by the QEII Foundation, is one way we are working to create a more diverse workforce that better represents the communities we serve. Post-secondary students who identify as African Nova Scotian, Indigenous, immigrant, LGBTQ2S+ and/or as persons with a disability are invited to apply for a diversity in health care bursary. Students must be:

  • continuing full- or part-time studies in a health profession
  • attending a Canadian post-secondary institution that is recognized by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
  • a resident of Halifax Regional Municipality or West Hants 

The application form is available in both English and French. 

Applications are evaluated on a number of factors including: community involvement, financial need, educational goals and field of study in health care.


Financées par la Fondation QEII, les bourses pour la diversité dans le milieu des soins de santé sont un des moyens utilisés par la Régie pour avoir une main-d’œuvre plus diverse et plus représentative des communautés auxquelles nous offrons des services. Tout étudiant inscrit à des études postsecondaires qui s’identifie comme personne afro-néo-écossaise, membre d’un peuple autochtone, personne immigrante, membre de la communauté LGBTQ2S+ ou encore personne handicapée est invité à présenter une demande de bourse pour la diversité avant le 5 avril, 2019. Les étudiants doivent : 

  • poursuivre des études à temps plein ou à temps partiel dans le domaine de la santé;
  • fréquenter un établissement postsecondaire canadien reconnu par l'Association des universités et collèges du Canada;
  • habiter dans la municipalité régionale d'Halifax ou de West Hants. 

Le formulaire de demande est disponible en anglais et en français.

Plusieurs facteurs seront pris en considération lors de l’évaluation des demandes, notamment l’engagement communautaire, les besoins financiers, les objectifs en matière d’éducation et le champ d’étude dans le domaine des soins de santé. 

Nurses Helping Nurses Bursary Fund

This information is only available to NSH employees and can be found HERE (login and password required)

South Shore Bursary Program

The 2025 South Shore Bursary Program application deadline is May 16, 2025.  

The South Shore Bursary Program offers bursaries of up to $7,500 to students pursuing health-related careers. High school, college and university students from Lunenburg and Queens Counties are eligible to apply after a successful first year of study, or proven hands-on experience. Successful bursary recipients will be required to enter into a Return-of-Service Agreement, post-graduation, with the Nova Scotia Health Authority, and be required to work in the South Shore geographical area. The successful recipient will agree to be employed by the Nova Scotia Health Authority for no fewer than the same number of years that the recipient was provided support by the Bursary Program. 

Successful recipients, who are not willing to accept full-time employment with the Nova Scotia Health Authority, within the South Shore geographical area, in their field of training, will be required to reimburse the Bursary Program in full.  A penalty will be applied to student faulting on their Return-for-Service Agreement.  The penalty would be 100% of the amount borrowed plus the applicable interest rate. 

Nova Scotia Health Authority employees from Lunenburg and Queens Counties returning to an accredited learning institution for education that will result in a change in the employee's profession are also eligible to apply for a bursary. Restrictions may be applied to specific health care professions. For the upcoming year, skill shortages in Nursing (RNs and LPNs) have been identified.  The Steering Committee may also consider other applicants pursuing careers in Allied Health. 

2025 Bursary Program Package (.pdf download)  

Bursaries sponsored by the Health Services Foundation of the South Shore, Queens General Hospital Foundation and Fishermen's Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, South Shore Regional Hospital Auxiliary, and dedicated community donors. 

For more information on the South Shore Bursary Program, contact Health Services Foundation e-mail

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YourHealthNS App

Much of Nova Scotia's healthcare program and service information is now available on the YourHealthNS mobile app. Download for free on the Apple Store and Android Apps for Google Play.

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