South Shore Regional Hospital is a primary and secondary care hospital. It is a designated district trauma centre with medical, surgical, intensive care, obstetrics and mental health in-patient beds.
Patient Switchboard: 902-543-9167
Administrative Switchboard: 902-543-4603
A $4 parking fee will be charged when you exit the parking lot. Please make sure you have the correct change before leaving the hospital. Change and banking machines are located near the main entrance. If you need help when exiting the parking lot, press the intercom button to speak to an operator.
Weekly and monthly parking rates are available if needed. Contact the business office for information.
Visiting Hours
Visitors are welcome throughout the day according to patient preference and care needs.
*Learn more about NSHA's Family Presence Policy, which welcomes up to two people named by the patient to be their family or primary support person/people.
WiFi and Internet access
Free public WiFi.
Semi-private and Private Rooms in Nova Scotia Hospitals
- Private room: Includes one bed and one washroom. You can find current rates here.
- Semi-private room: Includes two beds separated by curtains and one washroom. You can find current rates here.
Space in our private and semi-private rooms is limited. The sooner we have your insurance information the more likely we are to be able to accommodate your request.
When the booking clerk calls with your hospital admission date, let them know you are interested in a private or semi-private room.
When you are admitted, be sure to have your private insurance card with you and let the admitting clerk know you have requested a private or semi-private room.TV & Phone in your Room
You can find updated information about costs associated with semi-private and private Rooms in the hospital here.
Fees and Bill Payments
You can find updated information about fees and bill payments for Canadians and out of country patients here.
TV and Phone Service
TV Service
TV rental is available on most inpatient units. To order TV service (or transfer your service if you change rooms), dial 1-866-223-3686 from your bedside telephone. Payment can be made by Visa or MasterCard.
The call centre is open from Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., except for statutory holidays.
Phone Service
Bedside phone service is available on most inpatient units. There is a connection fee for this service. You will also be charged a daily rate and will be billed for any long distance calls. To request telephone service, dial 899 from your bedside telephone between 8:30 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. A representative will arrange to have your service connected within 24 hours (except for holidays).
Cell phones and other wireless devices may be used in some areas of the hospital. Please look for signs before using your device. For the safety of patients, please turn off your cell phone when you are not in a cell phone-friendly area.
Inpatient Meals
Dial for Dining is a patient meal order service which lets you order from a menu with a variety of healthy food choices.
- Step 1: You will get a menu with a variety of healthy food choices that match your dietary needs.
- Step 2: Choose from your Dial for Dining menu and dial 844 from your bedside phone to place your order.
- Step 3: Your meal will be delivered within 40 minutes.
Microwave ovens, refrigerators, and ice machines are available on most nursing units for use by patients and visitors.
If you follow a special diet or have food-related allergies or sensitivities, be sure to let us know when you arrive. A clinical dietitian may visit you to talk about your needs. If your family wishes to bring food from home, please talk about this with your nurse before eating. Please do not leave perishable items at your bedside. Refrigerators are available on your unit. Label food items with your name, room number, and date. Snacks are available upon request.
Cafeteria and Vending Machines
Cafeteria, basement level
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Weekends and holidays: closed
There are also vending machines across from the gift shop on the main level.
Gift Shop
Gift shop, main level
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Spiritual Spaces and Quiet Rooms
Quiet rooms are available for families and friends to use when needed.
Bank Machines
A bank machine and a change machine are located near the main entrance.
Having a Baby at SSRH
Watch this video to find out everything you need to know about having a baby at South Shore Regional Hospital:
Or Visit our Women and CHildren's Health Program page to learn more about our programs and services.